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Black Tea



Step 1. Collection and manual selection of mature grain.

Step 2. Dry pulpe for 18 hours.

Step 3. After 6 hours after, with a shovel, blade to remove the pulp well.

Step 4. Dry aerobic fermentation for 24 hours in cement tanks that do not exceed 50 degrees.

Step 5. Wash with a little spring water to remove present impurities.

Step 6. It is taken to a dryer according to the weather for 8 days maximum, it is removed 4 times per day; day at a temperature of 40 degrees.

Producer Information

Johan Gasca is a young coffee farmer from Pitalito in Huila, Colombia's top coffee-producing region. Coming from a lineage of coffee growers, Johan's family traditionally focused on quantity over quality, selling their harvest to the highest bidder for steady income.

As a child, Johan dreamed of becoming a soccer player, a passion he shared with his younger brother, Jonathan. They even moved to Cali to pursue professional training, but the challenges and loneliness of life away from home led them to return to their roots.

In 2008, specialty coffee began to gain traction, and Johan, along with his uncle and brother, started experimenting with it on a plot their father gave them. Their first attempt, a Honey process coffee, was rejected due to its appearance, leaving them frustrated but determined.

Inspired by the success of the Lasso family, well-known for their exceptional specialty coffees, Johan and Jonathan continued to refine their craft. They are driven by a passion to produce high-quality coffee and a desire to elevate their family's legacy. Their dream is to achieve global recognition, not just for financial success, but to honour their family's tradition and the coffee that has shaped their lives.

Colombian Johan Gasca Washed Dry Ferment

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